Purpose of “Foreign Students Square”
for Foreign student studying in Japan:
Please use this site for your studying abroad to get fruitful learning and the human network making.

for Graduate:
Please use this site to communicate with the alumni, junior and alma mater.

The friend is the persons to hope for the foreign student's support and international exchange.
This is the same mechanism as “Communication & Exchange Square” excluding the following.
(1) Language used:
For many people's easy participation, all participants can use either Japanese or English. Please select the language by yourself.

(2) Participant:
1.Foreign student studying in Japan.
2.Graduate (Former international student)
3.Friend ( Persons, excluding the above-mentioned, including Japanese supporter.)

(3) Even the person in the same country can write the reply. (The answering person doesn't have the limitation.)

How to use Square
Square rules
The handle name is displayed.
Only the handle name named by yourself is displayed on this “Foreign students Square”, though writing full name is indispensable for the entry (or comment).
Entry (Inquiry)
Please enter from " Entry (Inquiry) " when you write article.
Only the person who had written the article can read the comment (advice) full text using the password.


語源の一つは、伊勢神宮や各地崇敬社の御師(神宮大麻・神札を配る祈祷師)達が各家庭を巡る為に走り回るとの意味からきたと考えられています。 師が走り回るほど忙しい月という意味でしょうか。
物もよく売れ、会社では取引も多く、また取引費用や借金は、なるべく年内に返そうと努力します。 その為、経済活動は活発となります。

年賀状を書く/ 大掃除をする/ クリスマスプレゼントを贈る/ 「お歳暮」を贈る/ おせち料理を作る/ しめかざりをする/ 帰省をする/ 年越しそばを食べる/ 等があります。


December 5, 2016 9:01 AM by kousaitai(Japan)
classification: 3. Friend 友人(including Japanese Supporter)

<= Please click "Comment(Answer)" to comment on this contribution.