Concept of “Energy Conservation & Efficiency”
For the prevention of global warming, let’s utilize mutual experience and superior technology concerning energy conservation.
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Category of Energy Conservation & Efficiency

学而不思則罔、思而不学則殆: 論語 You are dangerous with go-it-alone mentality when you only think and don’t learn.

学而不思則罔、思而不学則殆: 論語
A good result isn’t obtained if you don’t think by yourself even if you learn.
On the contrary, you are dangerous with go-it-alone mentality when you only think and don’t learn.
... ... ...Analects of confucius

July 12, 2009 1:28 PM by e-松下村塾(Japan)

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From Yanhui (China) July 14, 2009 4:06 PM

Wonderful word! The ...

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